Project: | EGADSS |
Internal Release Number: | $Revision:
1.3 $ |
Related Documents: | Design > Document Taxonomy |
EGADSS Results Model Element |
Arden Syntax Slot Equivalent |
description |
Mapping to the
EGADSS Results Model Schema |
Data type (see HL7 data types and EGADSS data types for reference) |
Vocabulary |
<guideline_title> |
Maintenance.title |
1..1 Title
of the MLM. |
EGADSS.ClinicalGuideline.text |
ED |
N/A |
<guideline_encoding_version> |
Maintenance.version |
Cardinality: 1..1 Encoding version number
for the
guideline |
EGADSS.ClinicalGuideline.code | CD |
N/A |
<guideline_citations> |
Library.ciations |
Cardinality: 1..1 Reference to
the guideline |
EGADSS.ExternalReference.text |
ED |
N/A |
<guideline_domain_expert> |
Maintenance.specialist | Cardinality:
1..* Clinical and informatics expert/specialist | |
PN |
N/A |
<guideline_encoder> | | Cardinality:
1..* Guideline MLM encoder | |
PN |
N/A |
<guideline_encoding_institution> | Maintenance.institution | Cardinality: 1..* Name of the encoding institution | | ON | |
<guideline_last _encoded_modification> | | Cardinality:
1..1 The last time the guideline
was encoded by the encoding group NOTE: This is encoding
of the content from human readable to machine readable formats. Content
is not modified, other than encoding errors being corrected. |
EGADSS.EncodedModification.effectiveTime |
N/A |
<guideline_recommendation_subject> |
Knowledge.action.wright.subject |
Cardinality: 1..1 Human readable title of the specific recommendation generated in the guideline This
is a single line title that is displayed in a list of preventive care
reminders. Note: an MLM
can have multiple recommendations (i.e.
end points in its logic), but only one which is applicable to a given
patient. **
The length of
the recommendation field should be set 40 characters **
Examples include: “Hepatitis B
vaccination #2 Due” “Hepatitis B
vaccination #3 Due” “Hemoccult Screening for Colon CA Due” |
part of
ED |
N/A |
<guideline_recommendation_instruction> | Knowledge.action.wright.recommendation. instruction |
Cardinality: 1..1 Recommendation response to the detected condition |
EGADSS.Instruction.text | ED | |
<guideline_recommendation_conclusion> |
Knowledge.action.wright.conclusion |
Cardinality: 1..1 The main conclusion statement of the guideline after the condition specified in the guideline evaluated to as true Approximately
1 paragraph of text. |
ED |
N/A |
<guideline_recommendation_urgency> |
Knowledge.urgency |
Cardinality: 1..1 An integer from 1-5 ranking
the urgency of the recommendation. 1- most urgent / severe and 5
least. All preventive
reminders should be
set at 4 at
this time. In the future, this
may be important if certain recommendations may need to be alerted in
the EMR
via a pop-up, etc. |
EGADSS.ClinicalRecommendation.priorityCode |
EGADSS_ImportanceLevel_CE |
1--5 where 1 is life
threatening |