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Project-specific Terms

Arden Syntax
n. Arden Syntax is a language for encoding medical knowledge.  See Arden Syntax home page for more information.

n. The Clinical Document Architecture.  CDA is a document markup framework that specifies the structure and semantics of clinical documents.  CDA is a ANSI-approved HL7 standard.
n. CLIPS is an expert system tool.  See CLIPS home page for more information.

EMR System
n. An Electronic Medical Record System is a software system that stores and manages a digital version of the patient-specific medical information.

n. An Electronic Medical Summary is a a subset of patient data suitable for communication among primary health care practitioners and other health care providers for the purpose of sharing the care of a patient.  See e-MS project home page for more information.
Knowledge Module
n. Knowledge Module is a file containing zero to many MLMPas on a common clinical area, for example immunizations.

n. Medical Logic Module.  An MLM is the main construct of Arden Syntax for representing medical algorithms containing condition-action rules.  An MLM represents an independent unit of logic for a single decision step.
n. Technology-Assisted Practice Application Suite.  TAPAS is a project that includes other open source applications that are customized to support primary care physicians practice.  For more information see

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